When To File A Grievance On Behalf Of A Loved One Residing In A Nursing Home

When To File A Grievance On Behalf Of A Loved One Residing In A Nursing Home


There are many situations in which the family of someone in a nursing home may not be content with the conditions of the facility. Should it come as a result of improper medical care or poor living quarters, it may come to a point at which someone wishes to file a grievance with the nursing home. While the process of doing so and the potential fallout may be intimidating, you do not have to face it alone. Joel Bryant is a California nursing home abuse attorney with years of experience helping individuals file grievances with nursing homes.

How to File a Grievance in California

The process of filing a grievance at a nursing home is when a family member or resident files an official form with a nursing home stating their discontent with the quality of services provided at the establishment. While many people are unsure if they can even do so on behalf of the resident they are related to, it is possible and a common occurrence – especially if the resident is physically or cognitively unable to do so. This right was expanded under regulations passed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

All nursing homes are required to have a representative that handles grievances presented to the establishment. Legally speaking, this official works under an official grievance policy that they are also required to have. This policy outlines how the grievance filing process works, how you will receive a response, and under what conditions it is done. Following the filing of a grievance, the complaints will likely be processed and sorted by this official.

Scenarios in Which You Should Reach out to an Attorney

Some people may be unsure of when to file a grievance. This may be the result of hope that the grievance is processed and reviewed correctly, that proper legal action is taken, or a simple confusion in how the process is conducted. In any case, it is always recommended to employ the help of an experienced attorney for professional and relevant advice.

  • If one was to notice unsafe or unsanitary living conditions, a grievance should be filed as soon as possible.
  • Noticeable declines in your loved one’s health may require you to look a bit closer into who is taking care of them. If there seem to be staffing issues, one should look to file a grievance with haste.
  • Witnessing abuse or negligence firsthand, whether it be inflicted on a family member or stranger, should always lead to a grievance.

No Fees Unless We Win Guarantee

Unfortunately, filing a grievance is not always so simple. Whether it be the nursing home attempting to cover up abuse or mismanagement on behalf of the grievance official, these complaints do not always make it far enough to have the impact someone desires.

However, there are California nursing home abuse attorneys such as Joel Bryant fighting for families suffering injustices at the hands of an assisted living facility. Abuse and other forms of negligence and malpractice cannot go unanswered for the sake of your loved one and other residents. To reach out for a free consultation, give Joel Bryant a call at (619) 597-2577.
